
Multifeedback is a tool for fast and structured feedback within teams. It is especially beneficial within agile or project teams. It is also great for startups, self-directed organizations, and companies without bosses.

Quick and easy to implement, Multifeedback allows for repetition on a regular (e.g., monthly or quarterly) basis. This way, participants can see shifts over time, among other things.

How does Multifeedback work?

A pre-configured basic questionnaire is provided as standard. Depending on the content, you can choose one of the 3 basic assessment types or a completely customized one.

3 basic types of assessment

Ikona sprint


Ikona projekt


Ikona team


Everyone evaluates everyone; we don’t distinguish between superior and subordinate. The matrix of evaluators is generated automatically. In the basic setup, Multifeedback also includes self-assessment, which can be turned off with one click if needed. You can customize the project to suit the needs of your company or team. You can add or delete questions or create entirely customized questionnaires. 

Participants rate each other on the required competencies within the questionnaire on a pre-set scale, but there is also room for free comments. Clear individual output reports and team output reports are available.

The “hundred dollar question”

The Multifeedback concept also allows for some innovative approaches to teamwork. You can incorporate questions to suggest how rewards or bonuses should be distributed according to how individual participants value the contribution of others within the team. Thus, the “hundred dollar question” allows the team to design and fairly distribute rewards or bonuses “from within.”

Team members are given a certain amount of money, typically $100, and their task is to distribute it among the participants. In this way, they can express an opinion on the reward distribution among their teammates, including themselves (this is optional).

The team output then provides an overall view of how the participants would divide the reward among the group members or team being evaluated. The “hundred dollar question” supports the process of regular evaluation and the involvement of team members in that evaluation.

Sample output reports and manual

Individual output reports

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