Who we are

We are an enthusiastic team of developers from various disciplines ranging from psychology to IT. Since 2011, we have been creating and delivering innovative online tools for human resources to the Czech market and abroad. These consist of a wide range of psychodiagnostic questionnaires and tests, including Job Matching, tools for comprehensive and instant feedback, various variants of satisfaction, engagement and loyalty surveys, HR analytics and other tools for HR professionals.

We know that any company is only as successful as the people who work there. That’s why we help our clients to select the best employees, develop them effectively and motivate them with purpose.

Openness, flexibility, professionalism, high added value and a friendly approach are the values we believe in and are at the heart of everything we do.

Briefly from our history


In 2023, we introduced several new features in Psychodiagnostics. We expanded our range of psychodiagnostic methods by incorporating the Work Cycle questionnaire. Additionally, we launched a premium version of our most widely used questionnaire, the Multifactor Personality Profile, offering completely new approaches and insights for personality mapping. We have also made significant improvements to the Career Compass questionnaire. To support our international expansion, we launched new websites: tcconline.eu and tcconline.sk.


In 2022, we developed a new version of the Communication Style – Assertiveness Questionnaire focused on the work environment. We also translated our most popular psychodiagnostic methods into new languages (i.e., German, Polish, Romanian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, and Croatian). We conducted employee surveys in Turkish, Korean, and Mongolian and continued to expand our global reach. We also redesigned key elements of our brand identity, including our logo, and introduced a new website, tcconline.cz. With a stable team, we were able to meet our challenging goals and further strengthen the company’s growth potential.


We are fundamentally developing the 360° feedback tool, introducing new variants and alternatives such as 360° Feedback – Emotional Intelligence or Multifeedback. Psychodiagnostics and Job Matching are becoming part of artificial intelligence. We have implemented the methodology in a chatbot for the first time in collaboration with the client. We have been developing innovative online tools for HR for 10 years. Thank you for being with us!


We are reacting quickly to the changes that the pandemic is bringing to society and launching new products to help companies overcome the crisis, such as the “We’re in this together” employee survey. We have also developed products that reflect the demands of a time of continuous change. To strengthen managers’ competencies, we have created and launched a brand new unique Emotional Intelligence Test. We have a strong focus on Job Matching, which enables companies to significantly streamline their recruitment and development process.


We have developed new functionality in Employee Surveys. The upgrade has enabled detailed comparisons with benchmarks or historical data and allowed us to track long-term trends. Perfeed, an instant feedback tool, proved to be a solution for feedback at festivals and events. We also actively participate in the most important Czech HR conferences and are involved in educating Czech society in the field of psychodiagnostics and the use of online tools in HR.


To support our global reach, we have launched the websites www.hiretheright.com and www.empfeed.com. You can now use our tools in Arabic in addition to the many languages already supported. We are launching a new psychodiagnostic questionnaire, Sources of Stress, which comprehensively maps stress factors in all areas of personal and professional life.


Based on the high demand from clients for an online feedback tool, we have developed a new product called Perfeed. It is a unique solution for instant and continuous feedback in the company.


We have prepared a big upgrade of 360° Feedback, the amount of functionality of our solution is currently unrivalled on the Czech market. We have prepared a redesign of the filling environment, it is now fully responsive and all our products can be used comfortably on PC, laptop, tablet and smartphone.


We have expanded our portfolio with another online HR service. We have prepared a new Employee Survey. Using the Online Psychodiagnostic Portal, you can monitor not only your employees’ satisfaction, but also their engagement or identification. In addition, we have launched a new, clearer website and ventured beyond the borders of the Czech Republic.


We have again expanded our service portfolio with additional products – 360° Feedback, team profiles. We have added new psychodiagnostic questionnaires (Multifactor Work Profile, Communication Style Questionnaire). We have recruited new skilled colleagues. And besides, we managed to double our turnover compared to the previous year.


We have expanded our offer with new psychodiagnostic questionnaires and tests. We have updated the standards and further supported our clients in their daily work with staff in their organisations. We also presented at a number of conferences on modern online HR methods.


In 2012, after much preparation, we launched the new Online Psychodiagnostics Portal and our clients were able to use the first psychodiagnostic methods we had developed for the first time. The first test subjects started to fill out the Multifactor Personality Questionnaire, Career Compass, Stress Management Questionnaire, Abstract Thinking BASIC, Verbal Fitness and other questionnaires and tests.


In 2011, an enthusiastic team of developers from a range of disciplines from psychology to IT founded T&CC online Ltd. For the first year we have been working hard to develop new, original online methods. Our goal was to create a unique product for HR specialists, managers, HR consultants and anyone interested in developing themselves, their team or the whole company.


We support

Lékaři bez hranic
Charita Česká republika
Transparency International
Nenech to být
Centrum Narovinu
People in Need – logotype
Hnutí DUHA
Inconvenient Films Festival – Lithuania
One World
Centrum pro rodinu a sociální péči z. s. – logo
Občanské sdružení Surya

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