Barbora Daňková, HR Science Manager TCC online

Barbora Daňková

HR Science Manager


Barbora graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University with a degree in Clinical Psychology. She has extensive experience in conducting professional psychodiagnostics, managing assessment and development centers for leading Czech and international companies, including participants from top management. She is active in the development of professional psychodiagnostics methodology and other tools for mapping individual or team development needs. She is engaged in consulting, providing feedback, lecturing, and conducting workshops and thematic programs.

She served as a Managing Partner and Consultant at TCC for 21 years. Since 2011, she has also been a Co-owner of TCC online, a company she founded, where she holds the role of HR Science Manager. Since 2020, she has also been with LutherOne, where she is responsible for the field of People Science.

We are not only a supplier to our clients but also a source of inspiration and support in challenging situations. Obstacles challenge us to find new untrodden paths, change provokes us to innovate, and your needs are a commitment to solutions whose effect is truly visible.


Marta Fabiánová for Profi HR: How Leaders (Un)motivate Us

15. 04. 2024

Marta Fabiánová, Managing Director of TCC online, has written an article on leadership and motivation for the April issue of Profi HR....

Marta Fabiánová for HR news: How to get the most out of personality tests in interviews?

13. 02. 2024

Psychodiagnostics offer an important source of information about candidates. In practice, we receive a number of questions from clients...

PF 2024

20. 12. 2023

Leave the ball to the oracles! Also in 2024, build your HR solutions on data! Looking forward to working with you, TCC online...

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