
Get to know people better and uncover their potential

  • Improve recruitment and adaptation
  • Identify development needs
  • Uncover strengths and potential risks of employees and teams

Psychodiagnostics provides information about people's personalities, work motivation, ability to cope with stress, management style, or preferred company culture. In the form of psychological questionnaires and tests (or psychotests), you are equipped with a modern tool for HR, useful not only for recruitment but also for identifying the development potential of teams and individuals.

Unique methods

Uniquely developed methods for the real needs of the labor market, with accurate, measurable results

Clear outputs

Clear, punchy, yet precise outputs immediately, always including development recommendations

For all

A solution suitable for top management and executive positions. We combine methods according to the position and situation

Team outputs

Team outputs to map the potential and risks of teams and entire organizations

Linking methods

Interconnected methods for deeper insight into "assumptions vs. reality"

Job Matching

Job Matching and other analytics for data-driven selections or career path decisions


Recommended and validated combinations of questionnaires and tests for specific positions and situations. Plus, you can use our library of expertly built Job Matching profiles for FREE. With Job Matching, you immediately know how well a person's profile matches the expectations of the position.






Middle and Senior Manager

This package is designed for managers who lead other managers and whose role is to influence the company's strategy and ensure its implementation.

In addition to highlighting personality traits such as autonomous decision-making, decisiveness, and insight, this package also focuses on work style and the ability to cope with high demands and not succumb to stress. Middle and Senior Manager also helps you map your management style and quickly identify whether it fits your preferred management style and company culture.

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Managerial style

Sales Team Manager

For those who lead or are expected to lead sales teams.

This package identifies the personality prerequisites for a managerial role and preferences for particular management styles. It also focuses on asserting oneself adequately, working with feedback, establishing and expanding networks, and understanding numbers.

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Managerial style

Project Manager

This package is designed for those who manage or will manage project teams.

Project Manager identifies people’s aptitude for dealing with challenging and stressful situations, the ability to make quick decisions, and accurately evaluate various information. The package will also help you determine how willing a person is to accept responsibility for a solution and its outcome regardless of the person’s formal status or authority.

Team Leader

For those who lead or will lead a small team of executives.

The Team Leader package will help you discover how motivated a person is to lead others and accept the powers and responsibilities of a manager. Can they handle the demands and stresses of a leadership role? How well can they apply logic and attention to essential details under pressure?



This package is suitable for salespeople, candidates for sales positions, and anyone involved in acquisitions.

Salesperson explores a salesperson’s motivation for the job, assertiveness, communication skills, and emotional intelligence necessary for establishing and developing customer relationships.

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Telesales Representative

This package is designed for call center positions and those whose primary role is telephone sales.

It maps personality, motivation, the ability to face challenging situations, and the ability not to be discouraged and pursue your goal.

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This package is designed for salespeople and candidates for sales positions.

Seller examines personality, assertiveness, and the motivation necessary for a salesperson's job. It also maps value preferences and company culture so that the salesperson fits in with the company.

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Key Account Manager

This package is designed for client care and relationship development positions, including upselling.

Key Account Manager identifies personality and working style. In addition, it focuses on skills that are key in dealing with clients, such as assertiveness or emotional intelligence.

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Dotazník komunikačního stylu – asertivity (WORK) – ikona


Team Player

This package is primarily designed for positions with a strong emphasis on collaboration and functioning within a team.

Team Player focuses on the preference for team roles, motivation, and the prerequisites for "fitting in" and being part of a team, i.e., the ability and willingness to support others and a common goal.

Positions Demanding Stress Resilience

This package is designed for all positions requiring the ability to cope with high workloads and stress.

Stress Resilience maps personality aptitudes, stress resistance, and how people cope under pressure. It identifies work style and explores the extent to which time or information overload impacts performance and the ability to concentrate.

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This package is designed for all positions requiring attention, diligence, and the ability to lead an agenda and support other colleagues or teams.

In addition to personality and working style, it also looks for motivation, the ability to concentrate on repetitive activities, and accuracy.

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Economist / Accountant

This package is designed for positions in which numeracy, precision, structure, systematicity, and the ability to work accurately and without errors are critical.

In addition to personality traits and work style, the Economist package also measures numerical intelligence and the ability to concentrate on repetitive activities that can make maintaining focus demanding.

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Mapping Potential

Looking for talent for different roles? Struggling to identify which people are best suited for which positions? Are you involved in career planning and consulting?

Choose this versatile potential mapping package and compare the results with the prepared Job Matching Profiles: Potential for Management, Potential for Business, Potential for Expertise/Analysis, Potential for Creativity, Potential for Administration, and Potential for Projects.

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Questionnaires and tests

All Questionnaires Performance tests

Multifactor Personality Profile

The Multifactor Personality Profile offers a comprehensive view of key personality traits. Through 32 dimensions, it clearly shows how a person approaches other people, solves problems, makes decisions, and what you can expect from them at work. In addition to the personality profile, it also offers recommendations for further development.

Career Compass

The Career Compass Questionnaire maps a person's primary motivators and tells you which job roles are most compatible with their motivation.

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Work Style

A detailed mapping of a person's work style – whether they are typically fast or careful, spontaneous or disciplined, whether they need freedom or rules, and other important information about what you can expect from them at work. In addition to a clear output, you will also get valuable development recommendations.

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Work Cycle

The questionnaire maps what is typical for a person in terms of the work cycle. It can inspire ways to use the profile more effectively or help identify which phases of the work cycle to focus on when solving a problem and increase work efficiency. In addition to a clear output, you will also get valuable development recommendations.

Stress Management Questionnaire

The Stress Management Questionnaire maps out typical reactions to stress and their usefulness in resolving a situation or for a person's mental well-being. The questionnaire also offers several recommendations for strengthening the ability to cope with stress.

Culture Fit

Culture Fit maps a person's internal values and preferences concerning the company culture or type of work. It can also serve as an indicator of how well a person fits into a given company.

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Communication Style – Assertiveness Questionnaire (WORK)

The questionnaire measures the overall level of assertiveness and its four basic components, i.e., the ability to assert oneself, stand up for oneself, work with feedback and establish and develop relationships with others. Unlike the LIFE version, the questionnaire can be applied to situations in the context of working life and is, therefore, primarily intended for job counseling or selection procedures.

Dotaznik komunikačního stylu – asertivity (LIFE)

Communication Style – Assertiveness Questionnaire (LIFE)

This questionnaire measures the overall level of assertiveness and its four basic components, i.e., the ability to assert oneself, stand up for oneself, work with feedback, and establish and develop relationships with others. Unlike the WORK version, it can be applied to situations in the context of personal life and is, therefore, primarily designed for personal counseling or life coaching.

Managerial style

Managerial Style QUICK

Managerial Style QUICK maps the most prevalent managerial styles of a person, within which team or environment they are effective, where they fail, and why. Thanks to the connection to the Multifactorial Personality Profile, it identifies which management style a person has the strongest predispositions for.

Team Roles

Team Roles is a questionnaire that identifies which of the 10 typical roles in a team a person currently holds and what are their benefits and risks. Thanks to the link to the Multifactor Personality Profile, it also shows which roles a person is best suited for and can therefore excel in.

Sales Profile FULL

The Sales Profile FULL questionnaire is an expanded version of the Sales Profile QUICK questionnaire and maps the 12 core business competencies that are key for every successful salesperson. It identifies skills and prerequisites for them and indicates priorities for further development.

Sales Profile QUICK

The Sales Profile QUICK questionnaire maps the 12 core business competencies crucial for every successful salesperson. It tracks individual skills and identifies priorities for further development.

Sources of Stress Questionnaire

The Sources of Stress Questionnaire is primarily intended for personal counseling. It maps stressors, motivators, and so-called salutors in both work and personal life. By linking with the Stress Management Questionnaire, the stress outputs offer valuable recommendations for working with stress, preventing burnout, and overall life satisfaction.

Emotional Intelligence Test

Combines test and questionnaire sections to provide a detailed mapping of the full spectrum of emotional intelligence and sub-skills key to many professions. It also offers useful recommendations.

Abstract Thinking

The test falls into the 'intelligence tests' category and primarily measures analytical and logical thinking, i.e., the ability to solve unfamiliar situations without prior practical experience or guidance.

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Attention Test

Measures the ability to concentrate, especially during repetitive activities that require precision and attention or that demand many simple but correct decisions.

Press Test

It measures thinking capacity and so-called cognitive resilience, i.e., the ability to make prompt and correct decisions despite time pressure and multiple disparate stimuli.

Numerical Test

This intelligence test mainly measures numerical skills, i.e., the ability to understand numbers and the relationships between them. It has two parts, one mapping general ability and the other focusing on applied work with numbers and practical numerical operations.


Price list

Prices from 12 EUR/USD per questionnaire. You get an administrative environment and team deliverables for free. You only pay for completed questionnaires and tests! You can also take advantage of our discounted questionnaire and test packages. Convenient monthly flat rates can also be arranged if you wish.

Go to the price list


Clear and understandable outputs

Immediately after completion, you will receive clear output reports, including interpretations and development recommendations. You can also make the outputs available to participants, providing them with a valuable benefit.

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Output reports

Check the sample output reports of our most popular psychodiagnostic methods. You can also get samples for individual questionnaires and tests. We can provide methods in any language. Can’t find the one you need? Don’t worry. Let us know, and we’ll gladly provide the needed language version for you.

Czech Slovak English Polish German French Bulgarian Croatian Hungarian Russian

More information

Unique methods

Uniquely developed methods for the real needs of the labor market, with accurate, measurable results 

Our experts have always used a variety of available traditional psychodiagnostic methods. However, there was always something that needed to be added or, on the contrary, removed, so we decided to follow the path of our own development, which precisely fits the needs of actual clients in a real working environment. We honor our craft; all our methods meet strict quality criteria according to the standards of the EFPA (European Federation of Psychologist’s Associations). Thanks to our team of experienced psychologists, we are constantly improving these methods and developing new ones, including specific methods tailored to the client’s needs. 

Are you interested in the methodologies and development procedures of our Psychodiagnostics? We have prepared a manual, “Psychometric Characteristics of Psychodiagnostic Methods,” in which you will find comprehensive information about item analysis, validity, reliability, and the norms of all questionnaires and tests we have developed at TCC online.

Clear outputs

Clear, punchy, yet precise outputs immediately, always including development recommendations

We create outputs knowing that everyone needs to navigate them. Everything is made clear, punchy, and comprehensible in just a few pages. Easy-to-understand interpretations accompany graphically clear profiles. These are followed by a summary of essential information and recommendations for further development, which are invaluable when planning adaptation or growth. We pride ourselves on the accuracy and clarity of the reports and the fact that our high-quality Psychodiagnostics offers a varied combination of outcome profiles. We do not reduce people to a few possible ‘outcomes’.

For all

A solution suitable for top management and executive positions. We combine methods according to the position and situation

Whether you are looking for a new colleague in top management or a specialist in any sector, our Psychodiagnostics is at your disposal. Sometimes you need a robust solution to test a person’s full range of aptitudes; other times, you just need to examine specific areas, such as motivation, the alignment of personal values with your company culture, or something else. Our system will automatically help you create a meaningful and beneficial battery of tests and questionnaires. Our experts are always available to advise you if needed.

Team outputs

Team outputs to map the potential and risks of teams and entire organizations

With team outputs, you can immediately see how a team is composed, what profiles are prevalent or missing, whether the manager’s setup aligns with the team, or where communication or collaboration bottlenecks might be emerging. You can easily take a snapshot of the entire company or organization. You can create your own team reports in the system, whether anonymous or eponymous, and assign different colors to members for clearer output. With team reports, you can even better target the recruitment of new team members. Likewise, you can enrich your colleagues’ development activities, workshops, or offsite meetings.

Linking methods

Interconnected methods for deeper insight into “assumptions vs. reality”

Thanks to the sophisticated design, some psychodiagnostic methods are interconnected, so you immediately have valuable insights into how personality assumptions meet or fall short of real-life styles of collaboration or leadership. The manager thus gains insights into which managerial styles they currently apply the most frequently, but also for which they have the greatest aptitude. Similarly, each team member can easily recognize whether the team roles they currently occupy match their assumptions or whether they have the potential to exercise other roles.

Job Matching

Job Matching and other analytics for data-driven decisions about selections or career paths

If you sometimes feel like you need to clone certain people because they are a perfect match to a given role, Job Matching can help you significantly. Similarly, Job Matching can help with career planning or identifying a person’s greatest talents. It is not a questionnaire or test but an add-on feature of our system that you get automatically for free when you open an account. A library of profiles is immediately available to you, and you can also create Job Matching profiles yourself as needed.

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